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The Rankings

Archon: Guild Leader

The Archon sees no reason for players to have to donate twice to up-rank additional characters and has therefore declared that ranks are earned by the efforts of the PLAYER and are therefore TRANSFERRABLE from one CHARACTER to another in the same family (account) so long as there is a solid Roleplay reason behind it (i.e. just saying "this is my main now" is insufficient. Give us a story). Orginal toons will then be 'demoted' to Reaper rank.

Archon Hrokkvir

Archon of the Reapers

The Leader and spiritual mentor of the Reapers, it is the Archon's responsibility to teach, mentor, and guide the Reapers in their pursuit of power. A former Revannite, Lei-Shen wields formidible power, and her charms are not to be underestimated.


The Archon may be challenged for Leadership of the guild by any Imperator. Challenger must have support of at least one other Imperator OR the Archon herself ACCEPTS the challenge for a valid Kaggath to be initiated. However, if ALL THREE Imperators side against her, the Archon must step down and appoint The Council of Three's chosen successor, who may drawn from ANY rank within the Reapers.


  • Leader Rank Must login at least 4 weekdays and 1 weekend day.

  • Must donate at least 100k in credits or goods to guild bank or bring in 2 new recruits each week.

  • Responsible for updating and maintaining the website.

  • Responsible for crafting biographies for worthy Reapers

  • Enforces Roleplay rules/requirements/behavior

  • Must engage in RP with Reapers who are online

  • Must assist Reapers with Quests if requested and on the same planet so long as not mid-RP or Recruiting.


To initiate a Kaggath, Send a Letter of Intent to your target, calling them out, and to the Archon.

Both contenders must show up at a specific place, date, and time with all of thier supporters in the presence of the Archon.. Whoever has the most wins. In the event of a tie, the contestants must duel to determine a winner.

Imperators: The Council of Three

Marolyn Quinn

Imperator of Intelligence


To achieve this position, an Agent must first reach the rank of Force Commander and then petition the Archon supported by 5 ADDITIONAL Reaper Agents (4 lvl60's and 6 others at any level) who must all be online at once to prove they are separate accounts. Supporters do NOT have to be recruited by the incumbant-imperator, but MUST be online at the appointed time to voice their endorsement.


Archon will award an X70B-Phantom  (Stronghold Decoration) upon completion.




  • Council Rank Must login at least 3 weekdays and 1 weekend day.

  • Must donate at least 50kin credits or goods to guild bank or and bring in 1 new recruit each week.

Lei-Shen JeVondair

Imperator of the Sith

Holds absolute command over all PVE/PVP engagemets; serving as the Archon's Voice and Second-In-Command. This is currently the highest attainable rank. A former Revannite, Lei-Shen Founded the Reapers guild. Although she stepped down from leading, her power remains formidable and her charms are not to be underestimated.


May only be challenged by Sith Force-Commanders possesing either the Archon's blessing, the support of at least one Imperator, OR the support of two Force-Commanders to launch a Kaggath.


  • Council Rank Must login at least 3 weekdays and 1 weekend day.

  • Must donate at least 50k in credits or goods to guild bank or bring in 1 new recruit each week.


Imperator of the Hunt


To achieve this position, a Bounty Hunter must first reach the rank of Force Commander and then petition the Archon supported by 5 ADDITIONAL Reaper Bounty Hunters (4 lvl60's and 6 others at any level) who must all be online at once to prove they are separate accounts. Supporters do NOT have to be recruited by the incumbant-imperator, but MUST be online at the appointed time to voice their endorsement.


Archon will award a full suit of Cassus Fett Armor upon completion.



  • Council Rank Must login at least 3 weekdays and 1 weekend day.

  • Must donate at least 50k in credits or goods  to guild bank or bring in 1 new recruit each week.

Guild Officers:  Subordinate to the Council of Three

Anyone who unlocks a room for the Guild Flagship is immediately elligable for the Force-Commander role, should they wish to take on that responsibility. They will also earn a GOLDEN KEY to the Flagship.


An advanced commander with specialized knowledge of Operations, World-Bosses, and holocrons, The Force-Commander leads Squad-Commanders and their squads through dangerous Operations and delicate PVE missions.  


Must have reached Squad-Commander rank and obtained PVE Gear with a rating of 190 or higher to qualify for this position.


Force-Commanders are eligable to challenge the Imperators for leadership.


  • Must login at least 2 weekdays and 1 weekend day.

  • Must Lead 1 Operation  or 1 World Boss raids per week.

  • 1mil Donation Required


The backbone of the Reapers, the Squad-Commander has recruited three Knight-Prospects to the cause. Ideally, these three would form the commanders squad. However, as befitting their rank, they automatically assume control of PVE groups (the standard group of 4) in flashpoints, warzones, open worlds, and so on. Subordinate to Force-Commanders.


They may progress in rank by donating a value of 1,000,000 in credits or goods to the guild bank.


  • Must login at least 1 weekday and 1 weekend day.

  • Must Lead 2 Flashpoints per week.

  • No Donation Requirment

Soldiers: Subordinate to Guild Officers




The entry level of the Reapers, These fresh recruits are the untrained, untried potentials seeking full membership. The Archon has forbidden recruitment activities on Korriban, Dromund Kaas, and Hutta. This level is not eligable to receive gifts from the Archon, or even warrant her notice. unless, of course, she recruited them herself.


To advance, they must recruit two Knight-Prospects of thier own in order to be promoted to Reaper.  Speak with or email an Force-Commander or higher with the names of your recruits.



  • No Login Requirment

  • No Donation Requirment




The strong foundation of the Guild, A reaper has recruited two Knight-Prospects, undergone the First Lesson, proven themselves as dedicated assets to the guild, and are utterly devoted to the preservation of the Archon and her teachings. Reapers serve as the first line of defense against all enemies.


Reapers are generally PVE oriented and subordiate to Champions. Reapers need only Recruit one more Knight-Prospect to be eligible for Sqaud-Command. Reapers are eligible to receive gifts from the Archon.


  • No Login Requirement

  • No Donation Requirment



Rules of Recruiting

As you can see, the initial and primary right for advancement  lies in recruiting. Being able to recruit players is a demonstration of your knowledge of the guild and commitment to it's cause. The guild is young yet has powerful enemeis. If we are to survive, then we, too, must become powerful.

A feared PVP combat specialist with dedicated experience bringing war to the Empire's (and the Archon's) enemies, The Champion leads the Reapers in Warzones and strike missions against the Republic as well as rival guilds. 


Must have reached Reaper rank and obtained PVP Gear with a rating of between 162-168 to qualify for this position. 


Champions are not subordinate to Squad-Commanders as they are considered independent operators and can jump directly to a Force-Commander role if orther requirements are met. 


  • No Login Requirment

  • No Donation Requirment

  1. Recruit new accounts to the guild. Recruiting characters whose players have toons already in the guild does not count.

  2. Should a Knight-Prospect recruit a level 60 player (that also qualifies as a new account), this will result in instant promotion to Reaper Status

  3. When Recruiting, Stay in character. If you must chat out of character, or OOC, use doubple-parenthesesis to indidcate it ((...)). If the person you are speaking with seems uninterested in speaking in Character, then they are not right for us.

  4. All Recruiters are responsible for hosting the tradition of The First Lesson with their recruits.

  5. New Recruits are to be referred to by their in-game title (such as Apprentice, Lord, Agent, etc.) rather than their guild rank.

  6. All knew recruits should be directed to review this website.

  7. New Knight-Prospects are to be welcomed and engaged immediately. Any help that can be rendered should be offered immediately.

  8. Upon accepting a guild invite, New Knight-Prospects should share why they joined the Reapers and what they hope to accomplish.

  9. New recruits should identify if they are new or experienced players, simply so that we can help guide new players in missions, gearing, etc.


Running a guild right is hard work. Send in your thoughts!

Fear the Reapers

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